Monday, February 4, 2013

Five things

The following is the end result of a bit of introspection and reading on how to refocus myself for the year ahead.

Strengthen my strengths
- The success I have now and the potential for more of it lies in taking advantage of my natural strengths and making them stronger. As an athlete, that means trust in my training.

Be more self-aware
- The best thing I can do to improve my effectiveness is to become more aware of what motivates me and my decision-making. Transparency is critical.

Have more enduring faith in myself and others
 - Be more confident in my abilities, knowledge and expertise. Be more open to seeing good in others. Pause first, breathe second and then - maybe - respond.

 - Establish a conflict-free zone and put myself in the middle.  Find a way to challenge others to be better.

Make a conscious decision to focus on the positives
 - See the sun through the rain.

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