Sunday, April 18, 2010

SDofS completed

Well .. I can check this objective off my list!

I swam for seven days in a row. I swam twice on three days (Tues, Weds and Thurs).

The shortest swim was 15 minutes, the average about 45 mins and the longest was an hour.

That short swim was the result of overcrowding at the pool and a decision I made to stop rather than dodge four others moving at variable speed in the one 'free' lane. It was a good decision.

The end result: PB's for 50m (38-39 sec) and 100m (1.23-.24).

*Times based on watching the clock on the pool deck

I must admit that I lose count far too easily so the exact distance covered, in total each swim, is unknown.

I am estimating conservatively that I swam 1.5km in 30mins and 2km in 45mins and 3k in the hour.

So I'm estimating that I covered 20km through the week.

And in a 25m pool that's 800 laps, which I think is a good reason why I lost count from time to time.

But the week - despite what the note suggests - wasn't about numbers.

It was about reinforcing a few simple changes in how I swim. I focused on three things every time I hit the water.

First, pulling all the way through and feeling strong throughout the pull.

Second, tilting my head up just a bit and looking ahead rather than down. This needs a bit more work as when I'm doing the 100m sprints I tend to be 'head down and in fourth gear'.

Third, kicking - because I've not been using my legs enough to help me go forward. I kicked 200m today. I can't recall ever having used a kickboard for 200m. And while I am kicking while using the pull buoy, I haven't been kicking enough. Though I don't believe that I'm 'over' kicking, just kicking more judiciously.

It was a great week. Thanks for the input. Every piece of advice I've received has been a help.

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