Tuesday, September 24, 2013

IMC in photos

Perfect conditions

Spinning north through Whistler

Looking across Green Lake

Strong start to the run

Near end of first lap of run

Sprint to the finish

A footstep or two from stopping

Relief, with Margreet by my side

The Iron Tim crew

Photos by Iron John.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Attentional control - focus

Lance Watson's thoughts on preparing to race:

Your goal for any key race, regardless of fitness level, should be to remain as "on-task" as possible all day long. This is no small feat in Ironman or endurance events. It's a long time to be out there! In training and racing, many top professionals practice focusing on "what is happening right now". Review the course logistics and run the event through your mind, one step at a time. Think about what you want to focus on throughout.