It's summer and perfect weather for long runs. And here in British Columbia it also means running into wildlife. I have had two recent encounters.
The first was a week ago when I was nearing the end of a spirited 90-minute effort. I turned to finish up a hill, very close to home, and there was a deer with antlers on the sidewalk, nonchalantly munching on some plants.
I stopped, crossed the road, walked a bit and then started running again.
A few days later we were out for a walk with a friend visiting from Australia. It was a last minute decision. We opted to go to a running path about a 10-minute drive from our house. She was keen to see a bear. While we've seen a lot of bears in the past three months, we've not seen on anywhere near here.
But as we were walking, one was spotted in the brush.
Our friend was sure she saw one on the side of the path though we were less sure. Until a bear suddenly appeared on the path about 50 metres in front of us.
As often is the case with black bears, they tend to bolt when they see people and this one did the same. We were too taken aback by seeing it so close that no photos were snapped. Oh well. Sometimes a close encounter doesn't require photographic proof.
Today we are heading into the same area for a long run. If we don't see the bear, who apparently is a local, that would be OK with me.
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