Luka arrived here a week ago. Without a doubt it's been the most intense week in a long time. Margreet and I have both endured massive highs and lows - thinking at one point that we'd have to return the little guy because we doubted our ability to cope and to provide the structure that he needs.
In less than a week, Luka's mere presence has made it clear that we're far busier than we have acknowledged to ourselves. The week before his arrival I was working like a mad man in the yard to prepare it as best as I could for him. And then we did our best to 'pup proof' the house which again led to some manic work.
It's sort of like the days ahead of a holiday when you rush around to the point of collapse, completing your packing in the middle of night, hours before waking to catch a cab to the airport.
Luka is going to force us to sit quietly in the yard, but also to actively engage with him to keep him happy.
I've been reading one of Cesar Millan's books to better understand our guy and as it turns out, to better understand myself. dog trainer - Yes, we've already found one - believes as we do in positive reinforcement. She had a great comment, at least one that resonated with me: a submissive dog is a relaxed dog.
For Luka, it's been a wild start to life. He was born in the dead of winter and has a rip in one ear flap to show that he's had a few scraps. There's no doubt that he started the week with us somewhat stressed and then we were stressed and then he was more stressed. The viscous cycle syndrome.
But with the help of our trainer - and puppy school on Saturday to help him release a fair bit of energy with others of his same age and size and energy level - all three of us are finding our balance again. I won't lie. It's going to take more time, more effort, more patience and more focus and the key is to tire the little guy out. Exercise feeds his soul both physically and intellectually.
Here's where I return to me and being a triathlete. Instead of Luka 'fitting into my schedule' this week has shown that I need to adjust to his schedule.
And that means I need to be a lot more efficient than I have been. And that's a good thing.
I don't like stress. It's one of the aspects of training with ironguides that suits me. I have one to two months of the exact same sets and when I drop into the water or clip into my pedals or walk out the door - I can do what I need to do without overthinking it.
Thanks Luka.