Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nutella - free

No, I'm not saying one can get Nutella free. I tried. Well, I tried to get Nutella as a sponsor. It was a bit of a lark. But my efforts - so far - have been to no avail.

I wasn't to be discouraged. I simply bought it at the store - usually two 750g containers at once, because that was the most effective shopping move.

Let me backtrack a bit.

I had never heard of Nutella and wasn't even keen to try it until tramping in New Zealand in March 2005. I've made a solid dent in making up for about four decades of Nutella deficiency in the past four plus years.

I suppose there are many ways to consume Nutella. I chose spreading it on bread - the traditional approach. And I became very proficient at it. I was able to focus without distraction. And unlike a run, if I had a bit too much, I didn't need any additional recovery time.

However, I felt a change was needed.

Two weeks ago today I scraped out the remaining amount from the last container. And I've been free ever since.

Ok, I have had a Mars bar or two. But the point is that I would have had one or two of those anyway. I like chocolate. I'm not giving up chocolate - I'm simply modifying my chocolate consumption behavior.

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